I show under which conditions people are satisfied with their lives.
I have shown that, according to objective data, pretty much everything in Germany and the world is getting better … and why most people don’t feel that way.
I show how social inequality is related to what people find morally acceptable.
I show under which conditions men and women are disadvantaged on labor markets.
I combined Varieties of Capitalism and Esping-Andersen’s welfare states into one typology.
I show how economic action is influenced by moral arguments.
711. 2023
Why generations do not exist
Why distinguishing generations makes no sense Does Generation Z not want to work? Does it have different work
103. 2020
Why the world is getting better but no one notices
Imagine that things are getting better, hugely better, but no one knows. You might take me for
907. 2018
With how man working hours are people happy?
How many hours should people work? I am pretty sure you, and everyone you know, has asked that