
Prof. Dr.
Martin Schröder

Professor of Sociology

Martin Schröder

Using empirical research to show how society works.

Martin Schröder is Professor of sociology and researches social inequality, welfare states, varieties of capitalism, generations, morality, life satisfaction and European identity. He completed his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne and studied in Osnabrück, SciencesPo Paris and Harvard University. His first popular science book showed why we don’t realize that our lives are getting better even though they do. His second popular science book “When are we really satisfied?” answers this question empirically with data from the German Socio-Economic Panel. Martin Schröder has also published 3 scientific monographs and around 25 peer-reviewed journal articles. Since 2022, Martin Schröder has held a professorship in sociology with a focus on Europe at Saarland University. He lives in Cologne, despite the scandalously small Kölsch glasses.


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